Agri-Business Incubation Application Form

कृषि व्यवसाय इन्क्यूबेशन (उद्भवन) आवेदन पत्र

A. Applicants Information/ आवेदक की जानकारी
Self Help Group
Farmer Producer Company
Non Governing Organization
Check all that apply
Stage a : Just an idea so far, need technical advice.
Stage b : Developed a prototype of the product/service, need testing.
Stage c : The product or service is fully developed and now need to grow the business need guidance/support.
B. Agri-Business Incubation Available/ उपलब्ध कृषि व्यवसाय इन्क्यूबेशन की जानकारी
    Click here for more details
B1. Process Technology for New Food Products
Fermented millet based products
Soy milk and soy paneer (Tofu)
Full fat soy flour
Fried / Roasted soy nuts
B2. Pilot Plants
Modern dal mill
Multi feed production plant (Aqua/Poultry/Animal feed)
Briquetting plant for agro-residues
B3. Other Technology/ Facilities
Fruit ripening chamber
Onion paste making technology
Onion storage (Capacity - 3 Tonnes)
Covered cultivation based nursery raising unit


To the best of my knowledge the above information is True / Correct.

उपरोक्त बताई गयी जानकारी मेरे अनुसार सत्य/दोष रहित हैं।

Warning:  There is no provision to save or edit application once it is submitted. So please submit it after filling it correctly.

चेतावनी:  एक बार सबमिट करने के बाद आवेदन को सेव एवं एडिट करने का कोई प्रावधान नहीं है। इसलिए इसे एक बार में ही सही भरने के बाद सबमिट करें।